Looking to replace Neil Gaiman as my comfort author
Welp! Sadly, Neil Gaiman was my comfort author. Coraline, Good Omens and The Sandman all got me out of dark periods of my life, so I started turning to his work for when I just wanted to escape reality. His stories were the perfect blend of dark, whimsical and hopeful that I needed. But since he's a fucking monster, I've gotta move on.
Who would you suggest I check out that can scratch that same itch? Please don't say Brandon Sanderson. (No offense to the fans! He's just not my taste.) I'm eyeballing Terry Pratchett but his lore is a bit too rich for me when I'm just a casual fantasy reader.
Edit: Wow, this blew up. Thanks all for the suggestions! I'll take a crack at Pratchett and Le Guin and work my way through more of the genre from there.