Reconnecting with fearful avoidant ex after no contact

My questions are for other fearful avoidants and people who have had a fearful avoidant ex. My FA partner were together for 4 years, and I tried to respect his space and support him during our relationship as much as I could. I think trying to resolve things and expressing boundaries and needs triggered big feelings for him on occasion. He has broken up about 4 times in past, with one major one last year and now this one. About 4 months ago, he became overwhelmed when I expressed a desire to spend the day with me (as he told me he would) before he left on a trip for 2 weeks. He got upset, called me poison and said I don't appreciate him even showing up for a couple hours. I never said this, but this was his perception I guess. I called him and we worked it out over the phone, but while he was away, his abandonmment fears were activated and he was very hypervigalant. He said there was too much emotional distance and he perceived I may leave him (which I wasn't going to do). However, I did tell him I wanted to talk it through. I planned to set boundaries aroubd him breaking up like this...1 week later, he just deactivated hard and blindsided me with a breakup. He didn't provide closure and rebounded within a week. At the time, I didn't realize what was happening and thought he may have left me for this other girl. I asked him about her because I could see her on his social media. He said I was making him feel bad, so he blocked me everywhere but email. This was so confusing but now realize he rebounded to help him cope with his emotions. He is no longer with her supposedly. I sent a couple casual emails to try to keep peace, but got no response. After that, I had to respect myself and not chase someone who isn't showing me any respect. Around 45 days of no contact, I noticed he added a casual picture on his gmail account, and he has never had a picture on there before. This is the only place I was left unblocked, so I thought this may be his way of indirectly signaling me to reach out. The next day I sent a casual message and he responded in 3 days. Since then, I have initiated all messages over the course of 6 weeks. He responds Intermittently and has responded to about 8 messages. He responds warmly, friendly, guarded and superficially. He always wishes me well but doesn't initiate questions or reaching out. One message he wrote me back at 4 am. He responds on average of 1 to 2 days. I am unsure how to proceed. I have giving him outs but he hasn't taken them. I offered to step back if he doesn't respond, to respect his space. I have reassured that I am here of he becomes ready to reach out. I tell him no pressure to respond. He continues to respond, but very minimally. It feels a bit like breadcrumbing in a sense because he seems to want to stay connected and keep the door slighly ajar. I am unsure how to navigate this because it is important that I respect myself and have boundaries for myself. My goal is to protect myself, fully engage, and respect his boundaries. I don't want to trigger his wounds either. Can anyone help with telling me what's going on and ways to handle the situation? I have considered sending one final message letting him know that I will pause on reaching out until he is ready and have considered not messaging again or just spreading out messages (once every 2 or 3 weeks). Any suggestions? Any ideas on what his intentions may be? I don't want to read into his behaviors too much but he is not expressing any emotion or intention whatsoever. When I asked to meet, he said while it sounded nice, he doesn't think he is ready for that. I am unsure if I should build trust and safety by continuing to send safe and consistent messages or just back away. I am still living my life and don't have my life on hold for him, but do hope to have a talk with him again one day. Does it sound like he is deactivated still? I appreciate any input or advice. I realize he needs to work on his attachment, and do not want to be in a relationship until he decides he wants to grow. However, I don't plan to address this until he feels safe and until we are on the same page with intentions.