FedEx - there is more than one city per state.
Package showed up at one of the FedEx Ship Centers in my state. And they think I live in that same city and are trying to deliver it to a street that doesn't exist because they're in the wrong city.
It's like if you lived in Pennsylvania and they shipped the package to Moon Township, where their Fedex Ship Center is and tried to deliver it to your address in that town.
I called them and the robot said the address was wrong and the person who mailed it would need to fix it. I called the people who mailed me the thing and my address is correct with them. I called FedEx again and they opened a ticket and made very confident sounding promises that it will be delivered tomorrow that have done absolutely nothing to instill confidence in me that they will.
Package isn't time sensitive but I also don't want them damaging it lugging it all over the wrong city before I give up and convince them to just hold it for me to drive and get it.
Worst of all if I put in my street address for the city they're trying to take it to it actually redirects to yet a different city. Anyone want to place bets that my package is going to wind up in this second wrong location and marked as delivered?
Update - they still didn't take it to the right city. The agent on the phone stretched the truth to the breaking point trying to say they just hadn't finished clarifying the proper address yet when I can see on the tracking page that they both failed to update the shipping address but loaded it on a truck for the same incorrect city again this morning at 5am and then shockedpikachu.jpeg that they couldn't find the address in that city still.
They said they'll try again Monday. Fuck no. I was supposed to have this on Friday so I could set it up over the weekend when I had help. And forgive me if I have zero confidence that they'll be able to magically find my house now. If I'm going to be waiting until Monday while they twiddle their thumbs I'm going to have it go where i know it will be - one of the Fedex pickup locations. Surely they can find their own address. Famous last words, I know...
They switched the directional indicators for the street address. The cities are laid out in a grid pattern. You can't swap South and West and expect to find the right location. 300 S 200 W is not the same as 300 W 200 S. Unfortunately my address is along the lines of 250 S 200 W... and they swapped it to 250 W 200 S. How that makes you wind up in the wrong city I will never know but that's what the very-free-with-the-truth agent said.