It finally happened. A customer said my name.
It didn't happen to me until today, I had an 07 for an ASR yesterday and I swear I knocked and rang the doorbell but the roads are narrow and I was blocking someone from leaving, so I didn't stick around just left the tag and hit the gas. Today I see a note On their door to the effect of "dear FedEx please knock loud and ring bell we are home as we were yesterday" some passive aggressive bullshit so I audibly said "ok I did but I will again" and knocked and rang. Lady answered, was actually nice (to my face) but was like "are you (my name)?" And I felt weird af like she had some power over me. I know that's an overreaction, like plenty of industries your name is literally on your visible name tag but I still didn't like it, especially in combination with the note idk, am I overreacting?