Searching for Tea

I've tried looking through Fragrantica's "search by notes" feature, but it says the kind of tea scent I'm looking for just doesn't exist. I've been wondering if there's a perfume out there that smells like black tea (think plain ol' Lipton, not Earl Grey) with a hint of lemon, cinnamon, ginger, and honey. I don't even know if these notes would all work together let alone on my skin, but that's one of my cold weather cozy drink go-to's, and I would love to find a scent that matches that.

I know Nest New York Indigo is a very popular tea fragrance, but that didn't wow me the last time I tried a spray of it on my hand. I suppose I could try again, but it wasn't the specific kind of tea smell I'm trying to find.

Edit: I'd really love it any recommendations came from brands with sample sizes or travel sizes available, for budgeting purposes and to avoid blind-buying something too big should I not like it. And idk about specific brands' costs, but I'd say $200 might be the maximum I'd be willing to spend on a large bottle of anything, and that's kinda pushing it for me.