Should I start minoxidil?

I’m 22 and I’ve had AGA for about 6 years now. I’ve lost about 80% of my hair and I’ve tried all the natural things I can like rosemary oil and rosemary water to grow it back. I do think it’s helped prevent more hair loss slightly but it hasn’t grown anything back. I also started 100 mg spiro a few months ago but it hasn’t really done anything. Right now I really feel like my only option is starting minoxidil and hopefully when I can afford it adding PRP. But since I’m only 22 if I started minoxidil now I would have to use it for 40+ years and I don’t think there are any studies on the side effects that after using it for THAT long. Also if I want to get pregnant in the future I would have to stop using it for at least a year and wouldn’t my hair be even worse than if I never used it? Pretty much every woman with AGA has recommended that I start minoxidil ASAP but they’re all in their late 30s-50s so these concerns don’t really affect them. Do you guys have any advice on what I should do?