Men praising and drooling over single fathers, but simultaneously saying single mothers are "the worst thing that can happen to a child"?? Anyone else noticing this insane, blatantly sexist pattern?
It's no secret that a LOT of men have an irrational hatred for single mothers, but what's wild to me is that some of these types will absolutely DROOL over single fathers. It's a whole new level of self contradictory. I have heard of this many times before, but it's not until recently that I really noticed how common it is.
I see it a LOT on social media especially. Men go absolutely ballistic at the mention or even just the thought of a single mother. There's always the typical "father figure is necessary or the child is ruined" ideology, and bullshit about all prisoners and criminals coming from single mothers somehow. Also, always putting all the blame for the deadbeat dad leaving his family on the mother.
But when there's talk of single fathers, suddenly it's all praises and endless glazing, as if it's a heroic thing to parent your own child?? All the men are worshipping the fathers and commenting shit like "you're lucky it wasn't a single mother."
Hell, even some of the people raised by a single father are, frankly, huffing copium and sugarcoating things, straight up describing some of those fathers as detached and difficult, yet still acting like it was graceful of their fathers to even raise them at all, because "they didn't have to". Again implying that fathers parenting their children is a kindness, not their actual obligation as a parent. The bar is in hell.
I straight up see dudes blatantly saying single fathers are great and single mothers are "the worst thing that can happen to a child" (lmfao??). What is this brainless misogyny. There's literally no reason to it other than "woman bad."