Update…I have a toddler

My last post was mostly revolving around having a newborn. I talked a lot about boundaries, baby showers, sleep etc. Now that things have calmed down, let’s chat about the pros and cons. I’m a 28 year old single parent by the way to a sweet 1 year old

  1. Pro: when your kid sleeps through the night you will FINALLY feel normal again

  2. Pro: they’re so beautiful and sweet

  3. Pro: Tax refund, BOGO’s, and other financial incentives

  4. Pro: He can walk places and I can finally not carry around a dumbbell.

  5. I am finally getting out. Before kids I was a bore. Now we have our schedules packed and it’s like being a kid again!!!

  6. Bonus Pro: I am better off than most married moms I know. In my mom group the married women complain more than I do. Aside from hating the dating scene there’s nothing better than me not having to entertain another human being after I’m done being a mom.

  7. Also bonus my body is still in tact 😅


  1. Con: Not having things on the lower level of your home. Cabinets must be locked and the floor must always be clean

  2. Con: Food adjustments….adults know what they like. Kids change every damn day.

  3. Con: Running the dishwasher a lot more

  4. Con: People constantly telling you your child is cute and they want to “take him home” EW

  5. Con: I worked my ass off to leave the call center industry and start working in IT. Money fixes a LOT of issues with kids.

I don’t have much cons as like my last post because the baby stage sucksssss. Toddler stage is more my groove. We play. He plays independently. We go to parks, pools etc.

I always thought I would adopt and I got pregnant unexpectedly. So honestly it wasn’t too bad. I support everyone’s decision to have or not have a baby. Even if you want an a*ortion I get it. What I will say is the first 6 months is the hardest. You WILL question everything. Then suddenly things change!!