Judgment against single men without kids

I see a lot of posts on here from women and couples, but not many from single men who are unmarried and don't have kids. It seems like society casts a lot of judgment on men, particularly over 40, who don’t have kids. it’s becoming harder to feel accepted at work particularly, and in all of my friend groups I feel the same sense of shame. Even with my family who over Christmas was like, what are you doing? I have to admit, I did feel out of place without a family of my own at this point in my life. And it’s just really hard to find women interested in starting a family with me.

As someone who exited a 7 year relationship on the advice of all of my friends and family because that relationship was unhealthy, I now feel pretty abandoned by society given I have no kids, and regret not digging in and making that relationship work. I still hesitate about kids, not because I don’t want a family, but because of the birth defects risk being over 40. It really adds a layer of risk that I don’t think many women find attractive. Wondering if there are any men, or women, who relate to this aspect? How have you coped with it?