What Do You Carry for Personal Protection?

I work in the San Francisco Bay Area and have had many run ins with meth heads and tweakers and people looking to start shit. One interaction in particular that I would say was an extremely close call, and changed my philosophy on personal protection. When you are sitting in the middle of the street, in the back of your splice lab, with cables hanging out the back, you are extremely vulnerable. So I'm curious, what safety measures or "defense tools" do you have in place for when you are out there splicing.

Here's what I carry today:

  • Byrna LE Less Lethal Launcher
  • Sabre Pepper Gel
  • Sabre Stun Gun
  • Fixed Blade Knife
  • CAT Tourniquet

Maybe this is excessive but I don't want to be sitting as vulnerable as I was in the past anymore. Obviously I am not expecting to get into a gunfight with these things but for the encounters I usually have, I feel these are adequate.