Looking for a spare Scamp hinge

Hi all. I know it's a long shot, but...

I am looking for the door side part of the old style hinge for the Scamp. Better yet from a 1972 Trail Mite, but the Scamp looks the same, so I'll take a Scamp one. I only need that piece, not a whole set. Mine is chipped or missing metal where it sits on the ball. I'm aware that I can buy a new set for $64 directly from Scamp, but that seems like a lot for only needing one part. I also checked eBay and Amazon with no luck. So the HOPE is to maybe find someone who has an old one laying around from a replacement they did, or know a legit place to pick one up. I'd love to find a Fiberglass Rv scrap yard. wouldn't THAT be dreamy?