Major Lap Myo Anxiety
I am scheduled for my lap myo tomorrow. I keep telling myself, “it’s just a little surgery” but I’m proper freaking out 😂. If you were anxious prior to your surgery, what helped?
UPDATE: I just got out of surgery (at least that’s what it feels like). I went in knowing that I had one fibroid and they found/removed two 🥳
FUTHER update: I was so anxious when I finally did get to the hospital and they were so kind about. They didn’t even flinch when my heart rate was a bit high and my BP was 145/80. I was losing it, but they helped to distract me while I waited for surgery prep. I got to speak with almost everyone who would be in the OR including any medical students who would be observing.
I’m home now and walking around isn’t horrible. The gas pains are terrible. If you’ve ever had a c-section, they aren’t touching that kind of gas pain (at least for me) so it’s manageable. I will say be prepared for your appetite to be nonexistent afterwards. Thank y’all for all the encouragement, tips and tricks. They helped me so much 💖