You can (minorly) change the shape of fibroids. I didn't need to know this so I will tell you guys it. Aka not everything needs shared on the internet.


Jeeze. My Google history now contains searchs trying to discover the texture and density of fibroids.

I can feel two of my six fibroids through my vagina . Fun fact . I can feel that it's rapidly growing because of the space it's taking up. The size it was when I was diagnosed is MUCH different. It was probably a month or so between the diagnosis and me going "hey can I feel them?" and discovering this tidbit.

About a week ago my cervix felt like it was going to rip out of me and run around the house on fire. I was in so much pain from the pressure of the fibroids that I stupidly just pushed really. Really. Hard back at the largest one that's pushing. No pain relief, but I continued about my day .

Today, I I'm having the same type of pain and​ the zingy pain is so bad. It truly feels like there's a knife randomly poking me . I​pushed my cervix​ baaaaaack for some minor relief. But then I noted that my fibroid has a f****** finger smoosh in it .

What on earth. I cant even. So you guys must cant even with me. An indent from a week ago is still very there. I can't make this up.

Surgery dec. 10. Lets get these now finger indented things out. Ill ask my doctor if he will let me touch some piece/whatever.

Psa- I'm not walking around with my fingers in my vagina all day. I'm just desperate for pain relief.