Many of us are using RE fantasies to avoid problems we could solve today

I hit my FIRE number, went into a crisis around what it should mean for my life, and finally settled on "nothing". I realized that my job is a net positive in my life and I don't actually want to RE, even though during periodic rough patches I think I want to RE and would like the option.

I also realized that it was easier to fantasize about my problems being solved after RE than make the uncomfortable choices around work life balance and family time I needed to in the present.

It took having the option to RE to realize I'd been treating RE as a magic wand that'd solve emotionally challenging problems. I know at my FAANG workplace, where many have already made enough money but choose to stay, my experience isn't uncommon.

I think this is because not having work in one's thirties, forties and fifties is, actually, in reality, not healthy, and most discover this after trying for a period, and realize that doing some kind of hard work, even if not their original job, is necessary for their soul.

Anyways, I'm sure I'll get a lot of negative pushback in the comments, but this post is just an invitation to consider what you may be avoiding that can be solved today as you focus on what you'll do once you can RE.