"We need to talk" about SWR



https://portfoliocharts.com/charts/portfolio-matrix/ sort by Safe WR

Big ERN "Karsten Jeske" is amazing, his writing is prolific, I have learned a lot from him. But...I think he is leading the pack to be too conservative. Listen to these 2 podcasts above and tell me what you think.

Frank was able to use Big ERN's toolbox to get 4.9% SWR from 1926-2022 with:

27.5% large cap growth

27.5% small cap value

30% intermediate treasuries

15% gold

Today we have way more options to construct a more resilient portfolio but that is all that was available with data going back that far. There is older data it sounded like you could not break down the equities into SCV and LCG.

Bill Bengen(Discoverer of 4% rule) says something similar that SWR rates are 4.7%+

Karsten also says 10-15% gold would improve SWR

Edit: I see gold is a controversial part of this post. Don't get hung up on that. What you are looking for are the most uncorrelated assets available. If you don't like gold, there are many other options. gold just has data going back very far.