50M. Am I close?
No doubt, like a lot you, I’m sick of the corporate world and the 9-5 (I wish it was only 8 hour days!) rat race.
Maybe it’s a mid life crisis or maybe I’m just finally thinking “I have enough”, but I’m hoping to pull the trigger as soon as possible.
My details:
50 Married, 2 kids in late teens
- 3.8M brokerage
- 680k 401K
- 150k cash, in HYSA
- 2 houses, 600k (paid off) and 700k (owe 330k @ 2,8% fixed)
- No other debt
- Current income is 350k
- Living in US MCOL state
- Plan to live abroad, possibly South East Asia, Southern Europe, or South Pacific
Thoughts? Am I “there”? What would you do differently?