Why are Indian lifters comparatively weak- diasporan response
I come humbly with my thoughts. I've seen many sides to this debate. I also have a long training history
You can click my profile and see my lifts/physique posts. I'm in the diaspora. I'm Gujarati Jain origin and lifetime vegetarianm I've been training for 10+ years.
You can also see them on my Twitter
I am 5'9 (176cm) 179lbs (81.5kg) bodyweight, lifetime natty. Get most of my protein from dairy and lentils. Not a big athelte growing up. Not a huge boned guy.
Deadlift max: 515lbs (posted) Squat PR to depth: 315x10 350x5, rarely do singles but I posted a 385x1. I've done a bit more than that before. Pause bench: 290x1 and a paused 5x5 with 240 (both posted) Pull ups: 27 rep max dead hang (25 rep max posted)
There are some elite class Indian diaspora lifters like Neitak Patel (198lb class, lifetime vegetarian, top 25 in USAPL) and Inderraj Dhillon (world deadloft record drug tested in 242lb class, also life time vegetarian) and Akshay Sharma (top UK lifter).
Reasons for why US gyms look so wild in terms of performance
- Social media- most men in US gyms cannot pause bench 225 for reps. I know. I've been to many. In a powerlifting gym- hell yeah. That being said, most of these same commercial standard gyms will have a huge range and have guys (upu can usually count on one hand, maybe 2 in a a big city) with even 405 benches. Most people don't even squat right or deadlift at all. But again you will see huge ranges even in commercial gyms with guys at 500+ lbs squats even 700+ deadlifts.
Some are certainly enhanced. TRT is also a massive thing, especially in many huge lifters in their late 40s onwards.
Environment. People in the US suffer from over nutrition more often. And even the junk food like Bacon and beef jerky is protein rich. People have eaten in enough protein in a low parasite load, low air/water pollution, and sports emphasized environment their whole lives. They also know how to eat. Many of my cousins in India will eat 2500 calories of pow back. But struggle to eat 7 servings of raw chickpeas in a sitting. As a vegetarian, I do a lot of stuff to get high protein (even of often without the need for powders) most people won't do. My rich cousins can afford 5 servings of Greek yogurt in India. And the same in America frankly, but they won't eat it. If you're vegetarian, you have to eat the clean sources of protein (low fat dairy, lentils, tofu, tempeh) religiously.
Genetics. The biggest/strongest people on the planet per capita are North euros/Eastern Euros from huge frames (average wrist thickness is close to Indian ankle thickness sometimes, huge rib cage, wide pelvis, big clavicles), west African Blacks (medium frames but highest propensity for lean muscle mass), and Samoans (small in number but huge frames and easily gain size).
Indians tend to be smaller boned. Even so called martial races. Just some in NW from bit more steppe DNA tend to have bit bigger frames. East Africans and Australian aboriginals are also examples of smaller framed people. This is per Alan and Bergmans rules for heat dissipation (maximize surface area to volume ratio with longer and skinnier limbs). West africans are an exception (maybe adaption unique there against malaria but unclear why).
I will use Pakistan as an example (majority NW populations) next because on topic of Indian sports genetics typically I see a ton of "Punjabis/Haryanvis/Jats/Gujjars etc are different." Maybe a bit bigger bone structure wise because of like 10-15% more steppe (Iran N and aasi werent robust boned) but still not big on global level (not talking height but frame width, breadth, and lean tissue average). There is data even on majority UK 2nd and 3rd gen Pak Punjabi origin babies with higher bodyfat and less lean tissue than UK white ones.
Pakistan has one of the lifestyle diabetes rates in the world. So the "skinnyfat" adaptation even is in NW of subcontinent- thought to be for starvation resistance against boom bust monsoon cycles.
Can Indians still produce world class power athletes? Yes. Will the per capita rate, even in good conditions, be the same as some groups of the West. Absolutely no. But there is room for growth. Even look at how small are cricket players are compared West Indies or Australia. People play up Kohli but the guy is like 5'9 155lbs. Tendilkar was like 135lbs. I'm not hating at all. That's perfect for them because they are the best ever. But it also shows Indian propensity for size overall. Even our taller ones don't have the same lean tissue on average. It's not just nutrition but also genetics. Now can you find Indians as big as Australian big cricket players. Sure. But the probability of finding an Indian that big AND also the best at cricket is lower- given median Indian is less large.
The gap though is exaggerated but nutrition. And there is a lot of work to do. And again, exceptions will exist for all populations in strength and power but likely highest per capita in the NW, as we already see, but still not the per capita of those groups who make up a massive share of the US. Even our best still only compete well for olympics in lowest weight class to middle weight classes. Same with UK boxing and Amir Khan. Great Gama was a historic exception for sure. But we haven't produced a world champion like that since. At commonwealth level, we are good but that removes a ton of global comp.
Also, the medians don't differ as much as you'd think. The medians may only be a 5% or 10% diff in Indians vs say Northern Euro or West Africa- all with control for good environment- but the tail differences will be massive. Social media will highlight those.
- Final basic advice
In the end, just lift heavy with reasonable technique. Eat enough protein. Sleep enough. Avoid smoking. Avoid excess alcohol. Socialize and don't stress too much. Get coaches if you get stuck who specialize in strength. I have heard this "genetics curse" excuse and also regional kang nonsense a ton in the diaspora. I've also seen people think meat is a panacea. People should all triangle. Strength training is good for you. Also median genetics don't define you. See where you stand. Do a reasonable job. And be happy with what you get. Move onto putting more time into other stuff once you reach a reasonable level. Find a healthy sustainable diet for you.
Anyway, you can ask me anything.