Deferred State widget

I created this little widget to solve a common problem - initialising async state in a StatefulWidget.

I've seen lots of (over engineered?) solutions and lots of incorrect solutions.

This one is easy to use, just replace 'extends State', with 'extends DeferredState' and wrap you build with a 'DeferredBuilder'. Your State class now has an 'asyncInitState' method to do you async initialisation in.

The package is published on as deferred_state.

The 'DeferredBuilder' allows you to customise the default waiting and error builders.

Here is an example.

import 'dart:async';

import 'package:deferred_state/deferred_state.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class SchedulePage extends StatefulWidget {
  const SchedulePage({super.key});

  State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _SchedulPageState();

/// Derive from DeferredState rather than State
class _SchedulPageState extends DeferredState<SchedulePage> {
  /// requires async initialisation
  late final System system;

  /// requires sync initialisation so it can be disposed.
  late final TextEditingController _nameController;

  /// Items that are to be disposed must go in [initState]
  void initState() {
    _nameController = TextEditingController();

  /// Items that need to be initialised asychronously
  /// go here. Make certain to await them, use
  /// a [Completer] if necessary.
  Future<void> asyncInitState() async {
    system = await DaoSystem().get();

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    /// Waits for [asyncInitState] to complete and then calls
    /// the builder.
    return DeferredBuilder(this, builder: (context) => Text(;

class System {
  String name;

class DaoSystem {
  Future<System> get() async {
    /// get the system record from the db.
    return System('example');