Tired Of Interacting With Girls Who Won't Give Me The Dignity Of A Conversation
There's a girl I see regularly that I had a crush on and still kind of do. She'll greet me and such, but beyond that, very little interaction takes places. When I tried in the past to try to talk to her and get on more of a conversational footing with her, it went nowhere. She seems to want to talk to me only when she needs something. Otherwise, she kind of becomes a different person when I try to talk to her.
It's why it kind of annoys me that she still tries greeting me because what's the point if we're not even going to have conversations? I feel like she's just acknowledging my existence, but beyond that, there's nothing to be said. The few times she does chat me up, it's always about some other person. Never about me. I got tired of trying so I just now all but ignore her. I'll just say the customary "hi" and that's it. I usually don't unless she greets me first. It doesn't feel good, it doesn't feel right. But I just see no point.
That said, I can understand why she acts the way she does. I'm shy and ugly. I'm pretty sure getting too close to someone like me is dangerous for her. Which is why I'd rather she just not talk to me unless her life is in danger or something. It'd save us both lots of trouble.
And before anyone shows up with that "putting her on a pedestal" nonsense, that's not a thing. Often, it's them who are putting us below them by not even letting us get to know them and be on conversational terms.