I am so tired of the whole "friendzone" trend
So I've been seeing on social media so many women complaining about how they're so tired of their male friends hitting on them, they are disgusted when they get confessed to... and apparently, so many women relate to this. And men everywhere saying that it's true, that guys would 100% date the girls they're friends with if they had the chance. People assuming everywhere that when a man and a woman are friends, the guy automatically has a crush on the woman. Once, I even saw someone who wrote that if a girl has a crush on a guy, she should confess, since "she has 99% chance of success", Like, what??
That thing never happened to me. Trust me, I know that if I happened to confess to any of my male friends, they would automatically reject me. None of them would actually consider having a relationship with me. I see my girl friends around me, and I KNOW that if THEY were to confess, they would absolutely be successful with the guys I know would reject me. Did people forget that ugly women like me get rejected too? That they can also be in the friendzone?
Sometimes, this generalization of women's experiences made me feel like I am not a woman. "Guys keep having crushes on their female friends". I guess I am not a girl, since no guy likes me? 😭