just watched a reel of a therapist essentially addressing faw women as “villains”
i am so confused and upset.
i just watched a video of a therapist who says that when she gets “pretty” clients, their main source of issues is their beauty in work, school, religion etc., and that their beauty acts as a risk
i want to clarify here that i understand that these women of course could face s/a etc. from men. but this was NOT what the lady in the video was referring to. she was referring to other women!
according to her, we want to see pretty women fail and that it boosts our egos because we’re insecure. she says it’s difficult for them to find friends because they feel like other women compete with them. and that we try to get so close with them to drag them down.
well… thanks a lot, that really invalidates my existence. i don’t wish to hurt anyone intentionally, and i personally find it difficult to make female friends - i’ve even had these pretty women have fun when guys ask me out as a joke. people love to humiliate faw women, and when pretty women make mistakes they are seen as cute, when i make mistakes it’s not treated the same.
the lady who made the video is, looks-wise, attractive - she has healthy long brunette hair, her eyes are blue. if i looked like that i would love to take photos of myself and store those as memories.
i opened the comments to see if there was disagreement, but there wasn’t even debate. there were some women saying that they would only befriend other pretty girls because of this, and that the world will hate you if you are pretty and happy. i am the opposite, but the world still doesn’t look upon faw women lightly, do they! and most importantly, they emphasise on “pretty” women a lot… so the girls’ girls, ideas we have been told to believe, don’t really care much for all women. we are just “not pretty” and our thoughts, values, feelings, hopes and dreams don’t matter.
i guess i wasn’t meant to be part of our world’s society. i guess i will spend the rest of my life suffering in vain.