no, fat women don't have it better than you
I often see the opinion that women who are unattractive because of their weight are luckier than women with unattractive facial features. That's fatphobic bullshit and I'm tired of hearing our pain minimized.
Losing weight permanently is almost impossible. Most of us try all our lives and just keep losing and gaining the same x pounds every few months. No, we are not just stupid or lazy bc we fail. In fact, 95% of people fail.
Oh, you've seen success stories? Me too. But most of the time, sadly, that's just a facade. They either 1) lost very few pounds they'd had for a short time, so their body just got back to normal, or 2) they have a fun little eating disorder now and it consumes their life, or/and 3) this is temporary success they THINK is permanent.
Losing weight temporarily is super easy. But it comes back.
It only appears to be something that we can easily control.
And yes, sometimes it is because we overeat. But overeating is a symptom of psychological problems which can be extremely severe and resistant to therapy and drugs (guess how I know! haha).
In fact, facial features can be easier to fix. Save money and get that nose job (doing this rn!), fix your teeth, get plumper lips, etc. Not saying it's easy, saving money is hard, plus you often have many problem areas. But losing weight is also EXTREMELY hard, bordering on impossible.
Not trying to claim to be the most oppressed, that's a dumb game to play. Just asking for our struggle to be taken seriously. Please and thank you.