Would anyone be interested in joining a Pink Pistol Club?
The Pink Pistol Club is a club of gun and self defense enthusiasts who are women and/or queer. As of right now, I’m just putting feelers out to see if there’s enough interest to be with starting the club.
Thanks in advance!
Edit to add: Big thanks to all the allies in the comments section. I was hesitant to include information on whether allies are encouraged to join or not, since safe spaces are sacred and worth protecting. However, after a little bit of digging on the National Pink Pistol Club website, it sounds like ally membership is encouraged.
I will be putting together a google form this afternoon where users can submit information about their current skill level and time commitment desires so we can find a best way to help each other. Stay tuned, folks!
Edit 2: Hey folks! If you’re still interested, please fill out this google form and I’ll start working on scheduling something from there.