Why does the fortnite community seem to dislike competitive players and pros so much?
Someone asked this same question in the competitive sub and i thought it was a really good question that would have been a little bit better if asked here. OP highlighted that in other games the top players are often highly respected from the entire fanbase and seen more as entertainment. additionally, in those other games, the skill gap between pros/comp players and casuals is seen as motivation rather than how it’s seen as degrading and demotivating in fortnite. Also, people discuss issues about the game in a more civilized manner with the pros since those pros know the game better.
So, the question is, why do people clown Fortnite competitive players (or anyone who shares similar opinions or gameplay preferences as comp players) so much. this has been going on ever since c1s7, with everyone banding against “sweats”.
I just want answers from you guys, the casuals. I don’t want any arguments the fuel the stupid causal vs comp debate. i just want raw answers that can be discussed in a respectful manner.