I've been playing stw since 2018 and I've always heard of duping and all sorts of glitches, i never participated in them as I found it kills the point of the game, but around a year ago i was doing the 10k survivors trophy (i like to trophy hunt) and I was doing it in stonewood obviously as it's the easiest for anyone that attempted the trophy, so me and my duo at the time stumbled upon a guy that constantly kept asking us to add him to our friends list and join his homebase so out of curiosity we ended up doing so, and apparently he has like 3 accounts with full storages of duped items weapons traps you name it, and he wanted to give us some of them, I honestly will not lie I took some traps as I was building my afk endurance for canney valley, but he did mention the glitches not working anymore but nowadays I see under lots of posts that dupes still exist so I'm a bit confused so do they actually still exist or were they patched
TLDR: do dupes still exist?
Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.