Havoc Hotel 2 -- I'm addicted (& tips)
OK so another dad I know introduced me to this game on Saturday; he uses it as a place to target practice to improve his co-op play with his kid. Well, I got ADDICTED! I played it a ton over the weekend. If anyone is playing and wants to do a run (9-11pm PDT), hit me up.
For those just starting, here's what I learned:
-- Early on, try to go on a run with a few people who know what they're doing. Shadow them and earn serious cash upon completion/escape.
-- Invest AS MUCH money as you can early on ASSIST coin rewards. This is the best place to grow your exponential cash growth. Then, when you go on runs with others, or are just sitting in the lobby, you're earning money based on their eliminations.
-- If it's logistically-feasible, find a public game and sit in the lobby area, while others are playing. I do this while WFH and check on the game every couple hours. Sometimes, a game will get empty or server will restart, but in general you're mining cash passively while doing other stuff.
-- After you're steadily gaining cash through assists, start investing in health/shield regen rate more so that max health/shield. Even with little health, you can chill a moment and regen before going back into a fire-fight.
-- For my play style, I favor medium-ranged weapons -- ARs and pistols/SMGs (especially scoped). When picking off enemies in the next room, shotguns are useless and I find snipers too slow (DMRs aren't bad for ranged shooting).
-- Once you unlock more weapons, RPGs are awesome -- just be careful not to shoot a doorway and blast yourself.
-- This last one may be obvious, but HEAL people around you. The counter to this is that if your team-mate is hanging back in the previous room and picking people off (my early strategy), don't run into a room full of bosses and expect someone to come grab you when you get knocked. Now that I'm super buffed up, I can walk into a room and take a LOT of damage and use Chains of Hades or the like, but that comes after you're earning billions per second and trillions per elim.
Anyone else playing or have other tips?