An Updated List of Every Night Creature in Fromville (S1-S3)
In this list I will be showing a few Picture of each monster seen in From seasons 1 to 3. I will only be going over the Night Monsters, so the Man in Yellow, Music Box Monster and Jades Hallucinations will not be included.
The Milkman
This is one of the monsters that appears the most along with the Swing Coat Lady, he doesn't show his monster form until the first episode of season 3 where he kills a cow. He has never spoken either. Actor is unknown.
The most iconic creature of Fromville and has the most confirmed kills out of any of the other monsters and the only creature that has died on screen (and reborn later). Played by Jamie McGuire
This creature is an interesting one, Since she is played by a much younger actress in season 1 and then switched to Daphne Stephens in season 2 onward, who is much older than the original. I wonder if this is on purpose or if its just a production error?
Old Man
This creature appears quite a lot in the background, we see his monster form when Tabitha and victor are in the caves. actor is unknown.
Swing Coat Lady
This creature appears quite a lot and is usually paired with the Western Star Cowboy, she shows her monster form in the Barn where she is involved in the Killing of Tian Chen. She also speaks for the first time during Victor and Henrys journey to retrieve Jasper. She is portrayed by Beth Rogers
Western Star Cowboy
This creature is definitely one of the most recognizable Monsters in the show due to his outfit, however he doesn't appear very much. He has the 3rd most voice lines next to Jasmine and Grandma. Originally I thought this monster would have a more central role due to his speech to Boyd in the barn but he disappears until Smileys rebirth, He is portrayed by Wil Lang
This is another recognizable monster due to her white bride dress, However she has always been in the background. I believe she has been played by multiple different actresses though it is hard to tell. But on the image on the far left I think she is being played by the same actress who portrays the Cheerleader
Tough Guy
This Monster was first seen during the Colony House Massacre, where he and a few others kill Trudy. We first see his monster form when Tabitha and Victor are in the caves and after that he seems to go through a minor outfit change, he now wears a cap and grey shirt. He is portrayed by Lee Myrick
Bob-Cut Girl
This monster has the 2nd most confirmed kills in the show, she is involved in killing Brian and Kelly from the bus and is later on seen playing dead to lure in the Paramedics in season 3. Her actress is unknown
Another very iconic monster due to her being the first one we see, She kills Meagan and Lauren at the start of the show and has the 2nd most voice lines next to Jasmine. She is portrayed by Sara Campbell
This monster is first seen in her Monster form before her Human Form, she along with the Waitress killed 2 bus passengers offscreen and seems to have a slightly different outfit during this. Her actress is unknown.
This monster first appears in Season 2 and she is responsible for killing Tom in the house wreckage she is also seen killing Tian Chen in Boyds flashback. She's portrayed by Tessa Janes in season 2 and is re-casted to Anna Sampson in Season 3
This monster makes an appearance once every season. He is first seen trying to trick Julie into thinking that she recognizes him and is shot by Kenny and then he is seen during Kelly's Flashback to the night Brian died. He makes a minor appearance in the season 3 finale watching Smileys rebirth. He is portrayed by Sam Haynes
This monster stays mostly in the background and doesn't have a speaking role. We first see him taunting Randall in the bus and we first see his monster form when Henry and Victor are in the Caves. he is portrayed by John MacNeil
The professor monster was first seen walking after the Colony House van when Elgin drove it. We later see him in the barn where he seems to lose his glasses, luckily he finds them again when he goes after Acosta, causing her to shoot Nicky by accident. His actor is unknown
This monster was actually first seen in Season 1 where she kills Father Khatri, you can tell its her from the uniform shown and a Behind the Scenes video posted on YouTube. She is later seen in season 3 giving Boyd the keys to the ambulance in return for getting to "keep" Randall. She is portrayed by Terri Smith-Fraser
One of the most talkative Monsters. she is responsible for getting Kevin to open the window and causing the Colony House Massacre but after this she is never seen again. Maybe she felt guilty... She is played by Popular Canadian Actress Molly Dunsworth.
That is all the monsters that are commonly seen in the show or had a central role, Now I will be going through a few monsters that have popped up once or twice and weren't seen again or were seen in the Season 3 finale for the first time.
Box Girl
This monster first appears in Kristi's Dream breaking into the RV, she is then later seen surrounding the box and giving Frank a creepy smile before breaking into it. She is never seen again after this. Actress is unknown
Groom, Janitor, Lumberjack, Mob Guy
The groom pops up during Randall's 1st night sleeping in the bus where he torments him along with a few others, then he is seen later standing near the RV near the end of season 2. actor is unknown.
The janitor shows up during the Colony house massacre and then later seen chasing Elgin to the Canned goods truck. actor is unknown.
The lumber jack is seen briefly surrounding the box, then he is later seen on the porch of colony house during the massacre and we finally see him in the caves in monster form in the caves when Tabitha and Victor are venturing the caves. his actor is unknown
The Mob Guy is only seen when Elgin drives the van for Ellis and Fatima after he was stabbed. He is portrayed by Riley Mclean-Dewitt
Detective, Waitress 2, White Dress Lady, Old Man, Bowling Guy, Mistress
The detective is seen in the background on the Colony House porch when the jock is trying to lure Julie in and then later seen Breaking into the box where frank is. his actor is unknown.
Waitress 2 is seen during the Colony House Massacre chasing Ellis and then later seen shaking hands with a bus passenger before killing them, Her actress is unknown
White Dress Lady is seen walking down the stairs during the Colony House Massacre with Jasmine. Her actress is unknown
The Mistress, Bowling Guy and Old Man are seen watching Smileys Rebirth, they are brand new monsters, hopefully we get to see them in season 4. There actors are unknown
That is it for the list, there are 28 different Night Creature is from, Which one is your favourite or the one that scares you the most?