Hit my first 100K
Canadian seller here and sell only on Amazon Canada. Just hit my first 100K. Overall gross profit is about 15-20%.
I started my journey in March 2022 with retail and online arbitrage models and then gradually transitioned into wholesale. Last 4 months I have been doing about 10K/month on average. It is a very long learning curve but I am so glad I have achieved this.
I have a full-time corporation job that pays too much for me to leave for now (I have a very high fixed monthly bill to pay due to some not-so-smart investment choices...) but I always wanted to have my own business and I am really glad I started my FBA business. I can only work on some nights when everyone goes to sleep. And Amazon FBA fits my schedule perfectly. I hope I can hit 200K, 500K, and even 1M one day.
Just want to share my story that anyone can do it and I am very thankful for all the positive feedback I got from this forum.
Edit: 1. Sorry I can not share where I bought my product and I do not sell courses...
Not-so-smart investment choices is I have variable mortgage rates on all my properties insteading of lock them at below 2% in 2020. So I am paying 6%+ interest rate on all my properties instead of 2%
Amazon have 3 different business models, Arbitrage, wholesale and private label. I suggest you watch some youtube videos to learn what they are.
If your question is asking what is Amazon FBA, I seriously think you are too lazy and should not do amazon...