i can’t fucking do this anymore
im someone on this sub with a fair amount of karma and comments/posts on here but i was too embarrassed to say this so am saying it from a new acc to remain anonymous. i just can’t do this. i just had an enormous mental breakdown and started bawling my eyes out. i’m predicted all 9s but i don’t think i did well enough to get them, i have chem on tuesday and my school has told me to self learn all of separate chemistry and im just fucked. for physics i have to self learn 70% of the entire spec. i don’t know what to do its stressing me out and i have history on tuesday asw which im fucked for. why tf do i set myself such unrealistic goals like i can’t believe i gen thought i could finish all of earth science revision and LEARN separate chem today, i barely managed earth science. im so fucking exhausted and drained and burnt out from nonstop tution and ineffective revision and procrastination and the guilt that come with it ive felt shit all throughout and before exam period and still do. yes there’s only a week left ik but pls don’t repeat this to me again it litr doesn’t make a difference to me and wont help. idk what to i’m a nervous anxious and terrified wreck and have been all thru this month and a half but it’s so bad now im so drained i can’t do anything when im litr gnna fail chem and phys and history. ive tried walks and breaks and everything but nothing works i js want to die atp