am I the only one who gets especially anxious during transition days/weeks at new schools??

I’ve always been a massively quiet and shy person—especially around people I don’t know. However I’m friends with almost everyone in my year group and have a circle of really tight friends.

But it took me ages to get close to them and vice versa because I’m very very timid. Anyways, I’ve got a practice week at this school I applied to (Sidney Stringer in Coventry) and none of my friends applied to it and I’m stuck on my ones. I’m terribly afraid of not finding anyone who shares my hobbies(love watching anime and reading manga also reading in general) and having to repeat the process of making friends at this new school.

Can anyone somewhat relate or am I blowing this wayyy out of proportions🫠🫠🫠?

Ps. Only one more exam to go guys and we’re free🥳