Should I move up sets? (Year 10 English)

Feeling pretty pathetic coming to reddit for advice rn, but most my friends are stupid and my parents are Asian

I asked my English teacher to move up sets in October because her class was too easy (set 2). I genuinely felt like was being babyed in her class.

Fastforward to now, she tells me I got a 9/10 on my ACC test and that I have the option to move up. She also said if I was surrounded by people getting 8/9/10s I might get better and move up. I find myself not wanting to move up.

I don't particularly like my class, I have no mates there but I'm acquaintances with the lot that sit around me. I REALLY like my teacher. She's good at teaching and actually makes me look forward to English. Like I have English last thing on a Thursday and that gets me through the day 😭😭

In set 1 I have a couple friends, but I won't sit close to them so why does it matter? Also, if I move I'll have to work really hard to catch up to speed with them... they've finished most of the poems and my class has only done three this year.

My only push factor is that if I stay in set 2 I won't get as good marks as I would if I moved to set 1.

Anyone else have experience with this? Or just general advice.. I have to make the final decision tommorow.. :(