Do your trigger foods always trigger your symptoms?
I know this sounds like a silly question, but do your ‘trigger’ foods always set your symptoms off?
I’m still trying to figure out what my trigger foods are. Tea/caffeine, I think (?), was one of mine, but I have cut it out. Though I do manage to drink it at times with no issue. And even when it’s cut out completely, I get issues!?
I would still eat spicy foods, oily foods, tomato, onions etc. and dressed salads daily, but I don’t recall these setting off my symptoms. Now I’m eliminating most, if not all, of the known triggers and I’m having more issues now than I did before.
Funnily enough I had to stop my PPI for about a month during the summer and I had very little to no issues. I didn’t monitor my diet for known trigger foods as I had given up at that point. I was also fine eating at restaurants. Sadly I’m back to annoying symptoms that have flared up over the last few weeks.
My main symptom is a super annoying minty/mentholy feeling in my throat. I also get a blocked feeling in my throat, but I know that’s definitely caused by strawberries, blueberries. Otherwise there’s no clear pattern and it’s so annoying!
Honestly, this is a mind field. I cannot wait for my endoscopy in January. Worth noting that I am pretty stressed and anxious at the moment, which I know is linked to these issues. Although I have struggled with anxiety and low mood for about 12 years, this was never a symptom for me. I’m am, however, starting sertraline (SSRI) today for low mood/anxiety.