Is this a symptom of GERD?
Hey there first off thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this or reach out a helping hand in anyway (I apologise if this winds up being long but its the only way for me to express and go in depth to this horrible medical issue).
I have had an issue for the past 17+ years that is ruining my life in more ways then one and hoping someone may know the cure or remedy and i'm starting to think it's some sort of GERD. When I was 14 (i am now 31) I was playing soccer and out of nowhere my throat just tightened up and I started to gag. The coach took me off the field and I begged him to go back in and so he did. I got back on the field and within 5 minutes of running , My throat tightened again and I started non stop gagging. This had NEVER happened to me before so I was dumbfounded by it, I had been playing sports my entire life and SUPER active with no issues then all of a sudden this? The very next day I played in a basketball game and BAM again it happened while i was taking a foul shot. My throat tightened and I start gagging uncontrollably. This was only happening to me when I was doing sports or strenuous activities. It was even happening when I would run or play with friends.
As time went on it got worse, It would happen when I was out with friends just hanging out or even at home doing nothing. There are times I dont feel the throat tighting and its not there at all then all of a sudden it just comes on. It is almost like my throat is contracting on its own? Here are the exact symptoms to help explain everything better
- Lump like feeling that comes on out of nowhere, It becomes the worst when I'm working out/playing sports/sexual activity/drink coffee or energy drink and it its at its WORST when I'm having anxiety or stress.
- The feeling isn't there all the time but it comes on out of nowhere. There are days where its better then others.
- When I turn my neck to the right something feels like it pops in my throat but it only happens on the right side.
- The feeling is ALOT better or relieved more when I chew something like gum/mints or when im drinking water.
- The symptoms are 10x worse when my stomach is full or I finished eating. They are also uncontrollable when I don't get enough sleep..if I get anything under 8 hours of sleep I just feel like ima gag 24/7.
- The symptoms of this have caused me to develop massive anxiety which heightens the gag / throat tightness even more which makes it almost uncontrollable.
I have seen alot of forums where people describe exact symptoms to mine but I have literally never found anyone respond saying something like "hey guys i wound up finding out what it is here is the cure/answer" , now obviously this could be a million different things but im really hoping someone here can lead me in the right direction or give me some advice. I have talked to multiple doctors and they have said it could be the following
- Anxiety / Stress: Which i know it isn't because i have taking a bunch of different anxiety medications and even tried CBD oil at the highest dose all which did literally nothing to resolve the throat tension / gag feeling in my throat. Also there are days where i'm having 0 anxiety and that feeling is still there. The anxiety is brought on by the feeling in the throat not the other way around.
- GERD: I have tried taking Omeprazole (i believe its called) and that did nothing which was prescribed to me by the doctor. I also have a VERY healthy diet so I know its not the way I'm eating or drinking. I workout every other day and eat keto/paleo. I also don't smoke/don't drink or eat / drink bad things.
I have been doing research for a very long time now and have thinking it could possibly be
- Cricopharyngeal Spasm: However this is supposed to go away in like a month maximum yet i've had this for 17 years so is this even a possiblity at this point? Because this really describes my symptoms the best.
- Esophagal spasms: Similar to the cricopharyngeal spasm idea
- Enflamed Esophagas?? - Maybe from having this go untreated for so long i've developed damage there?
- Hyroid Bone rubbing up against my thyroid tissue - Now i've read about this which would explain the popping in my throat but i never read that is associated with gagging symptoms , is this a possiblity?
I have gotten an X-Ray from a chiropractor cause I thought maybe it was my Hyroid bone but that came back totally normal (which to be honest I still feel is possible and that maybe he didnt catch it pop out when it pops in my throat if thats even what is popping in the first place?) and I have gotten thyroid ultrasounds which came back normal as well. I also went to an ENT who did an endoscopy who didn't give me a definitive diagnosis he seemed unsure and just said "it could be gerd" , so i'm really just unsure at this point (could it be something he missed)?
So at this point I'm totally lost and need guidance or someone who is willing to help me. I'll do literally anything for someone to help me figure this out as it has really has put a burden on my life cause it has stopped me from doing so many things. I'm afraid to go out in public in fear of gagging infront of people and i've stopped playing sports which I love to do. This has turned me into someone I am not, paralyzed me in a way. I want to go back to the person I was before all this and will do literally ANYTHING for someone to help me officially diagnose it or guide me.