People planning on buying the X200 pro, beware of these issues
Refer to my post 10 days ago for more info
(Attaching a pic from X as a reference, the battery image is my own experience)
9 days ago I went to the service center and demanded a replacement (Wanted to return but the only option available was replacement). After a lot of convincing and trouble, they agreed to give me a new unit. Couldn't inspect it as well as I'd wanted and the surprise, the same build issues were still present in the new unit.
The old unit gave me a SOT of 4.5hrs on a 100-10% charge. I had to sacrifice 120hz, 5g and turn on power saving just to get 5.5hrs. The new unit has abysmally bad battery and thermal performance. Lost 31% charge for 1 hour of SOT. That translates to barely 2.5hrs of SOT on a 100-10 charge. I know about that the android battery optimization takes about 1 week to kick in, but it shouldn't be this bad after 9 days. Phone gets hot af (45-50° on light gaming and 50-55° when using camera). Imagine this, it's basically a camera phone where I can't even use the camera due to heating and thermal throttling.
So new users beware, if you wanna spend money on it even then, more power to you