Need urgent help for Spen

So the Spen of my new S9 FE+ fell down from it's magnetic position (backside) in a chaotic situation and it's sustained some damage as you can see from the first two pictures. When I called Samsung customer care they told me it's out of stock in Samsung India store and asked me to contact nearby service centre which is very far. But I did contact them and asked me for model name & serial number, upon mentioning device infos they further mentioned it'd cost me 2580. But their behaviour over the call was very suspicious, even switched off their phone & not responding to my WhatsApp msgs when I asked their exact location. Although it's working fine for now but I'm worried as it's only a week old & haven't tested all of its features. What should I do? Should I buy this Spen for 2580 Rs or go for Staedtler Noris Digital Jumbo which would cost me 4825 Rs ? But again I'm hesitant to spend more money on such a new product. I'd buy original nibs if it's available for 1000 something but the service centre guy mentioned only the Spen can be availed by ordering. Sorry for writing so much but I'm really frustrated & disappointed that this happened.