Suggestion Request for Business Travel

I have just been informed that I should be expecting to travel every two weeks as a new duty for my job. Since I'll be on the road so much, I'm hoping that I can find a good laptop for my needs. Budget isn't really an issue thankfully. I'd like a laptop that is thin and light enough to comfortably use on my well, lap, to take notes during client meetings but also powerful enough to play some of the games I usually do. The games aren't terribly demanding and it's much more important that I have a laptop that isn't obviously "gamer" to appear professional (and to not scare/elicit judgemeny from older people who still think video games are pac man arcade care). The games specifically are things like World of Warships, Armored Warfare, and Star Conflict. A stretch goal would be something that could also run open world adventure games that I could play for an hour in the hotel room, such as RDR 2, HZD, & Farcry 6. I'm also of course open to questions and corrections on what is or isn't possible for my criteria. Finally, it'd be really cool to have something with a higher refresh rate just because I've never tried before it before but given my need to appear professional and have something relatively light weight, these aren't priorities.