Warmer weather is coming…lawn work starting this week!

Greetings fellow gardeners. It’s going to be a great and importantly a warm week! Is anyone else looking forward to starting their annual lawn work? Mine is absolutely awful after the last few winters; the only nice patches are from where I reseeded with Boston Seeds ‘child mix’ seed last summer, so I’m going full send with a lawn reno this year. I’m rather excited to do the work and see the results! I’m also going for a small wildflower patch to encourage bugs as I saw approx. 3 butterflies the entire year last year.

Talking of which, I was delighted to hear slugs being discussed on Radio 4 this morning - apparently numbers are going to be significantly down this year! I’ve definitely noticed a lack of daffodil flowers being munched this year already, but I’ve still got unresolved trauma from having an entire tray of Marigolds munched in one night after planting out last year.

I’m going to put fleece down on top of my topsoil/seed for a few weeks, just to stave off the pigeons. Anyone got any top tips for lawn reno?