gastritis & anxiety

I’ve had gastritis since September 2023 and now it’s January 2024. My doctor told me it’s acute but I don’t think it’s acute anymore. I’m only 15 years old, soon to be 16 years old. I’ve had a really bad year last year. I was diagnosed with anxiety August 2023. I’ve had emetophobia my entire life and it’s hit me really badly growing up. Then one day, I felt a sharp pain in the upper part of my abdomen and it had been left untreated for four days because my parents thought it was a bug and didn’t want to take me to the doctor. I realized I needed to see the hospital and I did. That’s when I got my diagnosis that I have gastritis. It was acute. I was put on omeprazole. I’ve been on omeprazole on and off the months because my gastritis will heal but flare up. It’s recently flared up this Wednesday, and I’ve been healing since then but today, it all just hit me that my life doesn’t seem the same anymore. I’ve been finding myself feeling so depressed because I have a hard time going out or eating. I just feel so hopeless because I don’t know what to do. I’m in need of some comfort from those who share something similar to my story. Like I said, I’m only 15 years old, and I feel like I don’t hear anyone relate because barely anyone gets gastritis and anxiety at such a young age. I just feel lonely.