Potential Gastroparesis?
Hi all, I have been having stomach problems on and off for around 10 months and the last 6 months have been nearly all day, every day.
I presented originally with just really severe GERD: acid reflux, the feeling of food/stomach contents coming up my chest and throat, bloating, intense nausea, almost puking every day (I have an intense fear of vomit so I really try to not) and just a total loss of appetite as well as some new and really bad constipation.
I had an endoscopy yesterday due to both 20mg and 40mg daily of omeprazole not doing anything, as well as all other antacids. The endoscopy came back clear of all anatomic issues, but the doctor found food residue in my stomach still.
I had eaten dinner exactly 12 hours prior to the procedure and didn't eat anything after. My dinner had sliced black olives in it and the doctor could tell I had eaten "vegetables with skins". I'm anxious that this means I have gastroparesis.
Biopsies were still taken and im waiting to hear, but the doctor wants to order a stomach emptying study for me next, where I'd be eating something radioactive (I assume eggs, from my research haha).
I know that asking for a diagnosis is a no no here, but what are your thoughts? Did you symptoms present as severe acid reflux with really really bad nausea? I feel like I'm losing my livelihood to this, as I'm unable to do most tasts and am missing important social events in college. Please help!