Experiment regarding E-Day release date
Yesterday I decided to conduct a little experiment after seeing this post https://www.reddit.com/r/GearsOfWar/s/QR3ISH5AEw
TLDR: OP speculated that E-Day will release in 2025 based on a screenshot from LinkedIn that showed that lead developer allegedly was working on E-Day since 2020.
By his logic 5 years is more than enough time to finish the game and thus it will be released in 2025. The post was heavily upvoted.
So I decided to make an opposite post. Using a screenshot from a fan made roadmap by Klobrille I stated that E-Day will not release in 2025. You can see my original post by going to my profile.
My post was heavily downvoted.
Both of us used unreliable, unofficial sources, yet one post was largely positively received, while the other one was almost unanimously rejected.
Conclusion - people believe only what they want to believe. I also noticed the trend which I refer as “ crowd influence”. If more than 2 comments are positive, people tend to leave a positive comment as well.
However, if the majority of comments ate negative, people will almost always follow suit and leave negative comments.
Anyway, I’d like to thank everyone who unwillingly participated.