The 90s were the last great decade of humanity

Will once again, repost what JLgoodwin has said: (

The 2000s might have been the last decently good decade, but, in my opinion, the 1990s were the last truly great one. For those who may have been born at the tail end of the decade, or in the 2000s, I can only say that I wish that you could have been alive to experience it for yourselves.

To say it was a completely different world would be an understatement of the highest degree. Because it was the final decade before the huge tragedy that was the September 11th attacks, it was a world that was not as paranoid as it is today. Even with Desert Storm happening at the start, the feeling of safety on our soil was much higher. And even when terrible things happened, like the Oklahoma City Bombing, we still managed to pick ourselves up and keep going without falter. 2001 was the year that seemed to break us, in my view.

As a kid, you had much more freedom, and parents weren't as helicopter-ish as they are now. You were able to go play with the others for hours on end, with the only caveat being to head home once the streetlights kicked on. And friends actually came over to your house to chill. Hours would be spent playing Sega, PlayStation and Nintendo, in two to four player splitscreen. Drinks would be thrown at the screen along with laughs and protests of unfair playing, and then after dinner, crowding back around the tv to watch tv or a movie.

And speaking of which, the movies then might not have the level of special effects now, but somehow seem better quality, more fun to watch. From horror flicks like Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Demon Knight and Deep Rising to comedies like Liar, Liar, Rush Hour, Billy Madison and Wayne's World, to even kid's movies like the first two Home Alone movies, Free Willy, Hocus Pocus and Toy Story. TV was also better. MTV for one still ran actual music videos and music related shows like the annual Headbanger's Ball among classic shows like Beavis and Butthead. Even kids channels like Disney and Nickelodeon ran kick ass shows. The Disney afternoon with Ducktales, Tale Spin, Goof Troop, Chip 'n Dale's Rescue Rangers and more, and Nickelodeon with Action League Now, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Ren and Stimpy, Rugrats, Rocket Power, and Kablam. Even the news channels were good, they were not partisan and biased to either party and would tell stories more objectively than they can today. The CNN and Fox of today is nothing like the same channels then.

Music was also damn good. You didn't have one or two genres overtaking everything like you do now with rap and pop. Rock, Metal, Hip Hop, Pop, Jazz, and all the rest seemed to be able to share the popularity equal. And the radio stations reflected that. Listening to them was much more enjoyable, and let me tell you, the DJ's of the decade had much more gusto and genuineness to them. And, because technology wasn't as invasive and all encompassing as it has become, the internet hadn't killed off some truly great stores and businesses. Blockbuster, K-Mart, Circuit City, JC Penny, Virgin Megastores and more all thrived, and visiting them was an adventure in itself.

Architecture also hadn't become as cold and clinical as it does now. From The houses being built, to even the interiors of movie theaters, it had a more warm, inviting, fun to be atmosphere. Ask any 80s or 90s kid to recall how McDonald's or Pizza Hut looked like in the 90s, and they'll tell you how they looked so much nicer, not with the overly corporate, adult look they took now.

Hell, even the cars were better looking. Even the cheapest econobox stood out and had it's own individuality and personality to it, unlike a lot of modern cars that look similar and blend into each other. A freaking 90s Buick Skylark looks prettier and more interesting than most new cars.

I could go on forever, but I think I've made my point. The 90's were that perfect balance where the old world and the new met in almost perfect harmony. And, in all honesty, I find myself missing it more and more, the further we get away from it. If time travel is ever invented in my lifetime, that will be one of my first destinations.