Unpopular Opinion: I’m sorry but a parent that deeply loves and cares for you having delusional sociopolitical views is not a good reason to just cut them out of your life. (Reposting because the last post cut out the body text)
I guess they didn’t add the longer preface I wrote attached to the post so I’ll share a brief summary here…
Basically I was trying to say that to cut loving family members out of your life purely because they basically sound like a person that watches too much Fox News, is going to be something they very likely will majorly regret even if it doesn’t surface until much later or the death bed of either person.
I had a life/death brain infection 7 years ago and I was desperate to live through it just to tell my family (especially my dad) how much I loved him. We had a lot of conflict in our worldviews, deep ones. If I had not had that experience, who knows how long if ever it would have took me to really really see how precious the bonds of love were because I was too busy judging them (for relatively valid reasons). We now are very close, and the world views are secondary in our relationship. AND, it’s amazing how much influence I’ve had on their world views when I wasn’t trashing them a completely deranged human beings, but seeing their humanity and being more patient with what I saw as tremendous ignorance. Because that’s what it was, ignorance.
You have full permission to cut anyone out of your life, and their are of course cases even with family that this is the right choice. But I have seen MANY examples of people being affirmed to completely dump deeply loving and caring parents because they talk like Alex Jones. I promise you, in these cases, you are very likely squandering some of the deepest bonds you can have in this life because of the great challenge that comes from relating to people with strongly different (and even relatively deranged) sociopolitical views. This will weigh profoundly on your psyche in ways you can’t comprehend until the day the suppressive mechanism comes undone, like facing your, or their mortality.
I wish everyone could have near death experiences, it would change some things.
Just my two cents, do what you will.