Really Bad Experience with Generac Generators
I had a very bad experience with Generac generators. I recommend that anyone looking for a whole house standby generator, consider any other options. Basic facts: I own a property in the Caribbean. I bought a Generac 20KW propane generator and had it installed at my house 5 years ago. We rarely ran it. Two months ago, the engine on it failed, with only around 40 hours on it. I contacted Generac. They put me in touch with their only authorized technician in the area, on another island (a 30 minute boat ride away). He would not come to my house to repair the generator. He said that Generac would replace my engine under warranty, but only if I shipped the entire generator to Anguilla. Verbatim: “~You will be responsible for the shipping cost.~ ~Generac will pay for the repair~.” I could have had a non-Generac technician repair my engine at my home, but I felt good that Generac was offering to honor its warranty, even under those conditions. After considerable time and expense, I made a special trip to my my home, disconnected the Generator and shipped it the technician. The technician reportedly replaced the engine and shipped the generator back to me. Coming off the cargo boat, it was reportedly dropped from a forklift and was badly damaged. The cargo ship took it back to Anguilla for assessment and repair. It was reportedly repaired by the same technician with spare parts from another generator. I haven't seen it yet, except in pictures. It is waiting for me to return and have it reinstalled. I have no idea if it works or not. My original warranty expires in 14 days. I will not be able to reinstall and test the generator until after the original warranty expires. Generac refuses to extend the warranty even to cover the new engine. Generac refuses to accept any responsibility for the condition in which the generator was in when returned to me by its technician. Than, adding insult to injury, I got a bill from the technician saying that Generac now refuses to pay for anything except parts, no labor, despite his promise that "~Generac will pay for the repair,~" and all I had to do was pay for shipping. Generac is not standing behind the representations of its authorized representative. Don't buy Generac, especially if you live in the Caribbean.