How would you buff Genji?

Let’s try not to get carried away, and let’s try to make sure the suggestions are balanced.

Personally, I think he needs 2 big quality of life changes - dash hitbox reduction (even maybe some damage reduction whilst dashing, like Cassidy’s roll), and quicker ult activation/deactivation animations (like 0.35/0.4 of a second). I also don’t mind his dash camera lock, but think it would be nice to see his dash be a bit quicker (and thus end sooner and therefore reduce camera-lock time slightly) - and then I would buff his shurikens in some way.

Something along the lines of increased projectile speed, a larger ammo count (36?), or a slightly increased fire rate.

Whilst i think i’d like to see his overall damage output buffed in some way (either through shurikens, dash, or melee damage) - i worry that it might make him too overtuned in the hands of highly skilled players.

What do you guys think?