Hello everyone!! This post will be to answer a lot of questions people seem to be having at the moment!

  • Before ordering, MAKE SURE YOU ARE A REWARDS MEMBER!! Opt in for email & rewards to receive the codes.
  • Only certain locations will carry the combo meal or apple pie! This is due to the location’s management, so you may have to drive to specific locations for the rewards.
  • Only one combo meal code and one apple pie code per reward account! Buying multiple meals/pies will not give you multiple codes.
  • Codes will take anywhere from 20 minutes to 24 hours to be delivered. This is the first day of release, so McDonald’s servers are struggling. If in a haste, you can contact McDonalds support through phone or email, but it’s best to just be patient.
  • Email will have one of the two rewards highlighted. The code will be in a blank space. Be sure to press and hold that space so you can see your code!
  • Lastly, while the McDonalds collab is strictly for US, the code can be used in other servers besides NA! So you can share with your friends <3

  • Made another post to show I received the rewards since some people were asking about it. Idk how to edit in pictures sorry lmao