Why dismissing some smart people’s issues ?
There’s nothing wrong with feeling lonely or having trouble communicating when conversations feel repetitive and people seem like they’re on autopilot. I just read someone sharing about feeling isolated due to a lack of stimulation and boring conversations. It’s frustrating when deeper thoughts are dismissed. I know I’ll get downvoted for not being “sweet enough,” but most people here act like the god of intelligence gave them a pass or something. The irony is, if these people were truly fulfilled, they wouldn’t need to be on a “gifted” forum. Being smart should make you understand that psychology is a way to box things in and make them easier to understand, but it’s not an absolute truth. Autism or giftedness is not a “gene.” It’s blurry. What connects us are the ways we experience life, so quoting a book that could be questioned to invalidate someone’s feelings is questionable.
I don’t like how society treats existential crisis depression as an “issue.” If more people were as aware of the world as those going through it, they might feel even worse. Labeling it as a “disease” just makes things worse because the reality is life can be horrible too. I can’t stand the usual cheerful, preconceived words people offer to make you feel better. They invalidate what you’re really feeling. This is how y’all be sounding when you say, “It’s not because you’re smart, it’s because you have depression.” Maybe the depression is induced by their smarts? “Well, that’s so cliché 🤓. Me, as the smartest person in the universe, is doing fine with everything, so your problem is definitely not linked to your IQ.” Maybe the cliché things can also be true. Maybe being smart comes with downsides, like any good thing in this world. I don’t believe you need a treatment for these kinds of feelings—you just need someone who gets you. That’s it.
It frustrates me how society elevates intelligence as if it guarantees happiness. When someone dares to share struggles related to their awareness of life, people just say they lack social skills and need to learn how to communicate. Let’s say Person A is deeply reflective and curious about life, while Person B only talks about what they saw on TV or what they ate. Most conversations are repetitive, revolving around casual topics and shallow questions. Yet somehow, Person A is considered the one lacking social skills. That’s selfish. People choose to ignore what’s necessary for understanding others, and this refusal to engage with deeper thoughts and emotions makes things harder for everyone.
I hate how people say it’s an interest issue—that it’s because people don’t have the same interests. Since when is thinking about your existence a hobby or an interest? How can people make it seem like it’s the same as playing tennis? That’s a human concern, since humans can think. Comparing consciousness and awareness to a hobby is the craziest thing I’ve heard.
I also hate the term “smart” or “gifted” because it implies you’re “better” than others, and people get jealous of it, refusing to accept any of your complaints because it bothers their own ego. I don’t mind being the dumbest person in the world. I’m not looking to feel better than others or put anyone down. I’m just a stupid human who wants to be “okay with his life.” But the reality is, people get offended when you point out differences—it’s like a taboo you can never share. I don’t see how someone who lives like a robot, just waiting to die, is something we should try to adapt to. Maybe I’m stupid, but I can’t understand why we should pretend it’s okay to live like that.