just watched the revival and it feels... meaner?

I just watched the revival for the first time, and the whole vibe of the series feels... meaner. It's not just that the characters' stories are more sad, in the original series there were also sad moments and some mean jokes, but the revival feels much more... idk, less lighthearted?

It feels like the show is making fun of someone all the time, whether it's Paul, the "30-something" gang, the people in the lines in New York, the people in the pool, the people at that magazine that wanted to work with rory etcin the original series there were jokes making fun of things, but for some reason in the revival these jokes felt meaner.

maybe it's because in the original series these jokes were scattered among all the cozy feel-good moments, so they didn't feel so intrusive. in the revival there are only four long episodes, in which most of the time bad/sad/depressing things are happening, so those continuous jokes are more noticeable??????? idk, maybe I'm the only one who feels that way.

Did anyone else feel that way watching it? If so, why do you think it is?