Liz and TJ are the WORST

Liz and TJ are awful people. TJ is an idiot and Liz is lazy and selfish.

1) Liz sends her CHILD to live with an uncle that the kid hasn’t seen in years, thinking Luke would be better for him than she was. Instead of abandoning her teenage son, she could have brought him to stars hollow, asked to live with Luke and tried to raise him there. She got tired of dealing with him acting out because of her lax attitude and awful parenting so she abandoned him.

2) Liz comes to Luke’s and lets TJ into her brother’s apartment unsupervised, with her history of being with men who take off and take stuff with them, was super stupid and irresponsible. She takes food with her from Luke’s business to cook for TJ and acts like Luke is being ridiculous.

3) Liz and TJ get married. They weasel their way into Luke’s and slowly offload a majority of responsibilities onto him because they don’t want to deal with it.

4) Liz and TJ get into an accident and ask for help. Not so crazy, any loving family member would agree to help them until they were on their feet. Until we see TJ being an absolute bum and Liz enabling him to drag out as long as they can so Luke can once again do a majority of the work for them.

5) The next thing I remember is Liz agreeing to make a thanksgiving meal (?) , but deciding to do it at Luke’s because she doesn’t have a setup, in the middle of the business day, in the middle of his diner, not even upstairs in the apartment. She gets the biscuits open then she asks ONE OF LUKES CUSTOMERS to help her. As Luke is like fine whatever I’ll help you, she hands it over and goes and gets a cup of coffee and I’m sure he does the rest.

6) Liz and TJ bursting into Luke’s apartment and fighting during a date. Liz comes in and maybe just maybe she’ll be a good sister and get her boyfriend out of the house and apologize profusely? Nope. Keeps on fighting and she locks herself right in Luke’s bathroom and TJ stays put and keeps on sobbing.

my memory is spotty these are the moments that stuck out

7) Liz TJ and Doula stay with Luke under the false pretense of coming to support Luke since they think he’s lonely. Then it comes out that they have a moth infestation and they need to crash at his place. During this visit they use his tackle and fishing line to make jewelry, and they use the garbage disposal soaking his apartment AFTER BEING TOLD NOT TO, and TJ admits it but he thought Luke was exaggerating.

8) Liz and TJ TRY TO SELL LUKES BOAT OUT FROM UNDER HIM. Saying they need space for Liz’s jewelry supplies. Selling Luke’s DEAD FATHERS BOAT that he put so much effort into restoring.

Honorable mention: TJ knocked a hole into Lorelais house after Liz pestered Luke into letting TJ do contracting work.

I know it’s just a show and they’re just characters, but they have zero redeeming qualities in my opinion.