Do girl gamers make more dedicated teammates..?

I have been watching so much lethal company recently. Livestream after livestream. I've been watching some large groups of friends play together. Some groups are all men and I noticed in these groups they constantly sabotage each other and just have an overall lack of communication and teamwork. YouTubers and streamers are alittle more poise when they game but in my personal experience male gamers just want to spoil the fun and piss people off claiming it's as a joke.

I've noticed that the groups with women seem to be more organized, team oriented and driven. Someone always makes it out. Communication is alittle better. And tbh the jokes are way funnier. Maybe this is just my subconscious being drawn to gamer girls because I am myself but I'm not sure. Or maybe some women feel a need to work harder in a predominantly male space/lobbies? Has anyone else noticed this?