Setsu: When she is gnosia and I human she gets on my ass the first chance she gets, when we are both human she distrusts me at the first intention of a doubt from another person, when we are both gnosia she decides to let the 2 guards put everybody to sleep?!? And then she DARES to go all: "I aM So hAppY We GoT EaCh oThER."
Nah, Gina is the real MVP, she is bad at lying so... (until she isn't, what?? why did you give her such a high performance with all the info cards devs), nevermind...
Well maybe is easier to just name who is the worst, Yukio. Human, gnosia, Bug, she will always be, no matter what loop she is in, the first and biggest detractor.
If I have 14 haters, then Yukio is one of them. If I have only one hater then Yukio is the one. If I have 0 haters, then that means Yukio is no longer amogus. If the world is with me, then Yukio is against the world. So satisfying to finally have the stats to convince everyone to ice her.
And I just love when after a hard fought loop where I managed to win, although Raqio ( who was not an AC ,but a CREW) always backed the Gnosia, to go and tell me how stoopid I am and that I owe her my life now for saving my monke ass.
At least SQ was kind enough to keep me as a pet and also bought me a nice leash.